Who Attends?
While most students reside in the central St. Louis Metropolitan corridor. Wydown Fortnightly is open to students of all schools.
Children enrolled in Wydown Fortnightly attend numerous St. Louis Private, Public, and Parochial Schools, including: Captain, Chaminade, Christ the King, Churchill, Clayton, Community, Conway, Forsyth Glenridge, Hixson, John Burroughs, Ladue Middle School, Mary Queen of Peace, Mason Ridge, Meramec, MICDS (Mary Institute Country Day School), Miriam, Priory, Reed, Rohan Woods, Rossman, Ste. Genevieve du Bois, St. John Lutheran, St. Michael St. George, Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School, Visitation, Whitfield, Wilson, and Wydown.